The Nature Immersion program is offered to schools, daycares, kindergarten to grade 3 classrooms. With our program, children and participants are being exposed to nature, given time to explore and develop a relationship with nature. An educator will visit the classroom on a bi-weekly basis (3 visits), and each session last’s anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours. The program takes place primarily outside in a natural space close to the childcare center or school (weather permitting).

The staff are encouraged to participate alongside the kids in the activities and should be properly dressed for the weather and be prepared to go outside (weather permitting). The activities that take place at a Nature Immersion program are unique to each location and the participants’ interests. Our Nature based program is designed to inspire a love for nature and help connect children with their natural surroundings.

An example of a session may include the following:

  • Playing nature themed games and having fun that comes with being spontaneous, getting dirty, doing activities with natural materials (leaf printing, nest building, bug hotels, etc.…).
  • Exploration of their outdoor site to find some living things and investigate some of their adaptations.
  • Create land-art, tree identification, learn about seeds, track creatures and wrapping up with a sit spot to listen to the sounds around them.
  • Story telling

Registration & Fees 2023

  • Nature Immersion $350 (three/2 hr. visits) or $120 (one-time visit)

Booking a School Program:
If you are interested in booking our school programs, please submit the following information to our Wild Child Coordinator:
Name of school and or early learning center:
Name of teacher/educator:
Contact information (email & phone number):
Number of children:
Number of programs:
Program: (Nature Immersion):

We are extremely grateful to Alberta Ecotrust Foundation for funding the 2019 Nature Immersion visits!

Our 2020 Nature Immersion subsidized visits are sponsored by the Community Initiatives Program. We are extremely grateful to Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women for funding our 2020 Nature Immersion visits.